• Spanish Primary School

    Spanish Primary School brings you interior and exterior stereo recordings of a primary school located in Cordoba, Spain Kids age from 5 to 11 years old. Locations: interiors (main entrance, corridors, school cafeteria, classroom) and exteriors (schoolyard). Mainly focused on Castilian Spanish. In those cases, the Spanish keyword has been added, both in the filename and…

  • Residential Seagulls

    Residential Seagulls features 18 stereo tracks of seagulls in a residential area. All recordings took place in backyards where the city noise is very close to zero. Seagulls are the focus in all the recordings. Some tracks only contain seagulls, and some others also include sparrows, doves and magpies. Recordings are mainly from sunrise and sunset,…

  • Tourist Crowds

    Tourist Crowds is a collection of 30 stereo recordings, specially designed for scenes set in tourist places and points where a mix of different languages is a must. Spanish, English, Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, French… you name it. In order to avoid unobtrusively sounds, all files are stealth recordings. Therefore, equipment used consists of small handheld recorders (Sony D100…

  • Hydro Contact

    Hydro Contact brings you 273 audio files recorded with a contact mic and a hydrophone over the course of a year, in order to get you covered for any kind of underwater scene, in the outer space, for pitch shifting, time stretching or to add a weird tone to your soundscape. Recorded at 96 kHz and…

  • Cicadas

    Cicadas is a collection of summer ambiences recorded in Southern Spain over the course of 2018 summer. You will get massive chorus in different densities and areas, individual chirps, and a designed section. The temperatures during this time of the year are so high, ranging from 30ºC to 45ºC (86ºF to 113ºF), that cicadas are always present…

  • Piaggio Zip 49cc

    Piaggio Zip 49cc brings you the sounds of an old Piaggio Zip 49cc, a 2 stroke scooter from 1999. Its peculiar sound makes it an inestimable tool for film and games, whether it is a racing game, a sandbox or a drama movie. The library contains 72 onboard, 36 external and 38 foley recordings. Onboard recordings consist of…

  • Daily Doors

    Daily Doors I brings you 147 household doors (those ones present in every project) opening and closing, recorded simultaneously from a close and a distant perspective. One of the main problems with doors is that they tend to sound “too close”. A door will sound different depending on where the microphone is placed. By using two…

  • Sci-Fi Atmospheres

    Sci-Fi Atmospheres is a collection of 60 stereo Sci-Fi atmospheres, all loop seamlessly, which can be used to represent alien worlds, drones ambiences, spacecrafts, futuristic engines, nuclear facilities, celestial spaces, generators, dark elements and from outer space. Mainly inspired by the Alien saga. Each file has a duration of one minute with subtle changes over…

  • Countryside Winter – Ambisonics

    Countryside Winter – Ambisonics brings you 15 ambisonic atmospheres recorded during different times of a day in winter: early morning, morning, afternoon, evening and night. All these recordings have been done in Sierra Morena, Andalusia (Spain). Being winter, birds tend to be much quiet and insects are almost gone, so most of the ambiences are pretty…

  • Residential Winter – Ambisonics

    Residential Winter – Ambisonics brings you 15 ambisonic residential atmospheres recorded during different times of a day in winter: early morning, morning, afternoon, evening and night. In these recordings you will hear birds chirping, traffic, sirens wailing in distance, dogs barking, cats meowing and rooster calls. Recording done at night and in the early morning are…