Spanish Primary School brings you interior and exterior stereo recordings of a primary school located in Cordoba, Spain
- Kids age from 5 to 11 years old.
- Locations: interiors (main entrance, corridors, school cafeteria, classroom) and exteriors (schoolyard).
- Mainly focused on Castilian Spanish. In those cases, the Spanish keyword has been added, both in the filename and the description.
- Non-verbal communication is also included.
- General ambiences with more or less distant voices (teachers and students) and activities such as doors opening, dragging chairs, footsteps, school bags with wheels, etc. Any other undesirable noise (traffic, birds) is absent in these tracks.
- A few room tones of empty locations (classroom, corridor, kitchen, cafeteria) with noises coming from far away are also included.
- Classroom recordings include actions such as playing, chatting, packing up, laughing, whistling, clapping, cheering and screaming. From small to bigger groups. Most of them can be used for any school, but some others have a specific Spanish identity. All these files have been recorded with two different microphones.
- Most of the recordings have been stealth-recorded in order to preserve the nature of the action and not influence the performance. For this, Sony D100 and Zoom H2n were used.
- Whenever possible, another setup was used (Zoom F8 + Sennheiser 8040/30 in MS).
- School objects (pencils, chairs, wrapping paper) recorded in mono from a near perspective.
- All files come with Soundminer embedded metadata, in 96 kHz and 24 bit.
Product details
Number of Files: 72 High Quality WAVS
Size Unpacked: 3.54 GB
Sample Rate: 96 kHz / 24 bit
Total Duration: 120 minutes
Other Info: Embedded Soundminer and BWAV Metadata
License type: Single user, royalty-free. For a multi-user license, please contact us.
Keywords included:
Spain, School, Primary, Kids, Children, Classroom, Schoolyard, Cafeteria, Crowd, Walla, Student, Teacher, Room Tone, Corridor, Kitchen, Desk, Ball, Pencil, Exam, Football, Play.