• Household Textures

    Household Textures is all about those peculiar textures that we can obtain from an everyday object that is already in our place. These sounds can become a super useful source when it comes to sweetening your sound design workflow. The goal was to use any object located in a house and manipulate it as much…

  • Noisy Neighborhood

    A Noisy Neighborhood is one of the major problems for human health. A dog barking, neighbors moving furniture when they should not or a baby crying during your sleeping are some of the most common issues that do not allow us to get a proper sleep or being more efficient working from home. This library tries…

  • Urban Underground

    Urban Underground consists of 111 files that will help you recreate the soundscape of an underground area in an urban environment. Quiet room tones, muffled noises, distant impacts, water through pipes, hums, buzzes, HVACs, fans, elevators and many more sounds are included. 41 underground ambiences, featuring empty basements and garages, with more or less activity; as…

  • Daily Doors II

    Daily Doors II continues with a new series of doors that we use on a daily basis. Actions such as opening, closing, slamming, squeaking, rattling, forcing, hitting have been recorded simultaneously from a near and a distant perspective. Near perspective is around 50 centimeters far away from the source, whereas the distant one is around…

  • Water Flowing

    Water Flowing features lots of flowing, from a single drip to the roar of the ocean. All recordings are completely clear and free from any birds and traffic in the background. This library contains recordings of waves, rivers, streams, waterfalls, drips onto different surfaces, sprinklers, pipes, street drains and much more, with near and distant perspectives…

  • Hydro Contact

    Hydro Contact brings you 273 audio files recorded with a contact mic and a hydrophone over the course of a year, in order to get you covered for any kind of underwater scene, in the outer space, for pitch shifting, time stretching or to add a weird tone to your soundscape. Recorded at 96 kHz and…

  • Daily Doors

    Daily Doors I brings you 147 household doors (those ones present in every project) opening and closing, recorded simultaneously from a close and a distant perspective. One of the main problems with doors is that they tend to sound “too close”. A door will sound different depending on where the microphone is placed. By using two…