• Wind Textures IV

    Wind Textures IV delivers a new collection of immersive wind sounds recorded over a period of three years in the resonant Guadarrama Mountains, located in Central Spain. You will hear long sweeping gusts in coniferous forests, some of them covered by snow. Violet winds roaring in grasslands and more forests. Turbulent winds constantly buffeting in high…

  • Rain Bundle

    Rain Bundle provides a wide range of high-quality rain recordings captured in rural and urban environments. By purchasing this bundle you will benefit of a 20% discount. Urban areas: terraces, backyards, balconies, streets, rooftops, garages, patios, parking lots, back alleys, tunnels. Rural areas: forests, meadows and open fields. Rain sweeteners:rain on leaves, trees, mud, puddles,…

  • Wind Bundle

    Wind Bundle includes four different sound libraries, providing a comprehensive and versatile collection of windy sounds. By purchasing this bundle you will benefit of a 20% discount. Urban areas: empty streets, backyards and parks howling and whistling, trees rustling, plastic and cloth materials flapping. Rural areas: meadows, cliffs, forests, marshes, montane grasslands, high mountain ridges.…

  • Wind Textures III

    Wind Textures III highlights a new palette of wide sounding wind effects recorded over two years, from high mountain ridges to marshes and grasslands. Featuring the levante, also known as the famous easterly wind that blows in the western Mediterranean Sea, which is a dominant feature in the province of Cadiz, Spain. This set of recordings…

  • Weather Bundle

    Weather Bundle includes eight different sound libraries, featuring rain and wind both in urban and rural environments, at 30% discount. This bundle brings together an incredible collection of rain and wind sounds hitting and blasting different surfaces at several intensities. Empty streets howling and whistling, vegetation rustling, plastic and cloth flapping, interior perspectives. From turbulent…

  • Daily Doors II

    Daily Doors II continues with a new series of doors that we use on a daily basis. Actions such as opening, closing, slamming, squeaking, rattling, forcing, hitting have been recorded simultaneously from a near and a distant perspective. Near perspective is around 50 centimeters far away from the source, whereas the distant one is around…

  • Urban Rain II

    Urban Rain II brings you 53 urban rain sounds captured at various indoor and outdoor locations. Recorded at night or at quiet times so it’s free of unwanted sounds, this library includes light, medium and heavy rain over different locations and surfaces. 30 outdoor recordings, featuring terraces, backyards, parking lots, back alleys, or tunnels. Drops against…

  • Transport

    Transport features dozens of vehicles recordings – cars, trains, trucks, planes, motorbikes, etc., – that have taken place in a urban environment, covering your needs for background transportation. The goal of this library is to help sound editors quickly find that background traffic that is often needed. All the recordings are ready to be used in…

  • Hydro Contact

    Hydro Contact brings you 273 audio files recorded with a contact mic and a hydrophone over the course of a year, in order to get you covered for any kind of underwater scene, in the outer space, for pitch shifting, time stretching or to add a weird tone to your soundscape. Recorded at 96 kHz and…

  • Urban Rain

    Urban Rain delivers 50 city rain sounds recorded at different intensities, from very light to downpour. Several thunder claps and rumbles are present as well. Locations are as follows: a terrace, a balcony, a backyard, several streets, a rooftop, a garage, inside a car, a loft (from inside), Chelsea FC Stadium and two patios (interior). All…