Wind Textures II continues with the series started on Wind Textures. New textures and locations have been included in this collection in order to make it as diverse as possible.
- Urban areas: empty streets howling and whistling, trees rustling, plastic and cloth materials flapping.
- Rural areas: several meadows and open areas have been covered, with and without flora.
- Indoor perspectives with wind howling and whistling through windows at different speeds. Other interior locations included are two shelters and an old attic, where wood was resonating all over.
- Wind through vegetation: bushes, trees, palm leaves, lanceolate leaves.
- LOM Geofon was used both in stereo and mono configurations. Attached to several materials (chimneys, ACs, bottles, chains) blasted by wind. Depending on the homogeneity of the sounds, these files have been delivered either in mono as two different channels or in stereo. You can always split them up.
- Intensity varies from calm breezes to gusts of up to 80 km/h.
- Recorded around Southern England.
- Gear used: Sound Devices MixPre 6-II, Zoom F8, Sennheiser 8040 in ORTF, Sennheiser 8050 or 8040 with MKH 30 in M/S, Sony D100, LOM Mikro Usis, Clippy Primo EM172, LOM Geofon.
- UCS Compatible Metadata embedded. Fields included CatID, Category, Subcategory, FX Name, Filename, Description, BWDescription, Library, RecType, RecMedium, Microphone, Designer, Manufacturer, Keywords, VendorCategory.
Product details
Number of Files: 60 High Quality WAVS
Size Unpacked: 9.1 GB
Sample Rate: 96 kHz / 24 bit
Total Duration: 300 minutes
Other Info: Embedded Soundminer and BWAV Metadata
License type: Single user, royalty-free. For a multi-user license, please contact us.
Keywords included:
Wind, Weather, Breeze, Gust, Blustery, Howl, Whistle, AC, Attic, Balcony, Barrel, Bottle, Bush, Chimney, Creak, Greenhouse, Drone, Fence, Leaf, Leaves, Meadow, Metal, Park, Plastic, Rattle, Rumble, Rural, Rustle, Shrub, Squeak, Shelter, Steel, Street, Tonal, Tree, Urban, Window.