Warm Countryside
Warm Countryside is a collection of countryside recordings taken from late April until early September across several locations of Spain.
- Pine forests, grasslands, swamps and mountain valleys.
- Different times of day are included. From dawn to dusk as well as afternoon and nights.
- Featuring sparse birds, insects, flies, grasshoppers, crickets.
- Some of the birds identified but not limited to: Eurasian Blackbird, Eurasian Treecreeper, Eurasian Jay, European Robin, European Pied Flycatcher, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Purple Heron, Glossy Ibis, Woodpigeons, Cuckoo.
- Recording were made under clear weather conditions, except for the mountain valley ones, which are always accompanied by a gentle breeze.
- All recordings took place in several areas of Spain, such as Donana National Park or the Pyrenees.
- Gear used: Sound Devices MixPre 6-II, Sennheiser 8040s in ORTF, LOM Mikro Usis, Sony D100.
- All files are in 96 kHz / 24 bit and come with embedded Soundminer metadata.
- UCS Compatible Metadata embedded. Fields included CatID, Category, Subcategory, FX Name, Filename, Description, BWDescription, Library, RecType, Microphone, Designer, Manufacturer, Keywords.
Product details
Number of Files: 46 High Quality WAVS
Size Unpacked: 7.5 GB
Sample Rate: 96 kHz / 24 bit
Total Duration: Approx. 230 minutes
Other Info: Embedded Soundminer and BWAV Metadata
License type: Single user, royalty-free. For a multi-user license, please contact us.
Keywords included:
Countryside, Spring, Summer, Warm, Hot, Forest, Pine, Woodland, Grassland, Swamp, Valley, Mountain, Bird, Woodpecker, Woodpigeon, Blackbird, Jay, Treecreeper, Robin, Insect, Cricket, Fly, Grasshopper, Dusk, Dawn, Night, Spain.