Residential Ambiences brings you the sounds of 15 different recordings of residential atmospheres with a duration of 10 minutes each so there is no need to loop.
- Recordings have been done during five different periods of a day. Each one includes three versions:
- Early Morning
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
- Night
- Recordings feature sounds such as dozens of birds singing in the early morning, dove calls in the morning as the same time traffic gets noisier, human activities in the background in the afternoon distant traffic and voices in the evening, and sirens wailing in distance at night.
- Some of the birds included are: doves, sparrows, crows, a cock, woodpeckers, blackcaps, magpies, and pigeons.
- Since some of the files are extremely quiet (mainly in the evening and at night), descriptive markers have been included to highlight interesting events in an otherwise featureless waveform. These markers can be read in programs such as Izotope RX, Reaper, and Soundminer. The markers are also included as .txt files in separate folder.
- UCS Compatible Metadata embedded. Fields included CatID, Category, Subcategory, FX Name, Filename, Description, BWDescription, Library, RecType, RecMedium, Microphone, Designer, Manufacturer, Keywords.
Product details
Number of Files: 15 High Quality WAVS
Size Unpacked: 5.21 GB
Sample Rate: 96 kHz / 24 bit
Total Duration: 150 minutes
Other Info: Embedded Soundminer and BWAV Metadata
License type: Single user, royalty-free. For a multi-user license, please contact us.
Keywords included:
Residential, Suburban, Ambience, Sunrise, Sunset, Dawn, Birds, Chirp, Dove, Pigeon, Sparrow, Crow, Cock, Woodpecker, Blackcap, Magpie, City, Neighbour, Dog, Street, Quietness, Calm, Serenity.